25-019_SS_MR Laboratory Technician - Pancreas regeneration and pancreatic cancer | 05/02/2025 0:00 | 19/02/2025 23:59 | ABIERTA |
25-018_SS_EC Research Assistant - Cognition and Brain Plasticity Unit | 24/01/2025 0:00 | 07/02/2025 23:59 | ABIERTA |
25-016_R_RZ - Predoctoral Researcher - Pneumology Research group | 24/01/2025 0:00 | 13/02/2025 23:59 | ABIERTA |
25-017_SS_MP Project Manager - Infection and cervical cancer prevention | 24/01/2025 0:00 | 07/02/2025 23:59 | ABIERTA |
25-015_SS_MM Bioinformatician - Optical Microscopy and Molecular Interactions platforms | 24/01/2025 0:00 | 07/02/2025 23:59 | ABIERTA |
25-014_SS_EP Bioinformatician - Pancreatic Cancer Research Group | 22/01/2025 0:00 | 05/02/2025 23:59 | ABIERTA |
25-013_SS_EC Study Nurse - Vascular Risk Unit | 21/01/2025 0:00 | 04/02/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
25-012_R_JG Predoctoral Researcher - Endometrial stemness in the laboratory of Dr. Jordi Guiu | 20/01/2025 0:00 | 03/02/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
25-011_R_MP Postdoctoral researcher - Pancreatic cancer modelling | 20/01/2025 0:00 | 16/02/2025 23:59 | ABIERTA |
25-010_SS_VL Laboratory Technician - PreTT Group | 17/01/2025 0:00 | 31/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
25-009_SS_JP Statistician - Biostatistics Unit | 17/01/2025 0:00 | 15/02/2025 23:59 | ABIERTA |
25-005_SS_EN - Laboratory Technician - PreTT Group | 15/01/2025 0:00 | 29/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
25-007_SS_JM Clinical Trials Study Nurse - Nephrology and renal transplantation | 14/01/2025 0:00 | 31/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
25-008_MS_PG Project Manager- International Projects Unit | 14/01/2025 0:00 | 28/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
25-002_R_JP Post-doctoral Researcher - Protein Synthesis, Stem Cells and Colorectal Cancer | 09/01/2025 0:00 | 07/02/2025 23:59 | ABIERTA |
25-003_R_MM Specialits Technician - Pneumology | 09/01/2025 0:00 | 23/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
25-001_SS_FV Support Technician - Molecular Signaling-HHT unit | 01/01/2025 0:00 | 15/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-184_SS_MD Specialist Technician Epidemiology of bacterial infections. Research on pathogenesis and molecular basis of antimicrobial resistance | 31/12/2024 0:00 | 14/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-183_R_JG Predoctoral Researcher Ext. - Cell plasticity and regeneration | 31/12/2024 0:00 | 14/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-182_SS_PH UICEC Clinical Trial Monitor (CRA) | 31/12/2024 0:00 | 14/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-181_SS_PH UICEC Clinical Trial Project Manager (PM)/Monitor (CRA) | 31/12/2024 0:00 | 14/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-180_SS_VN Area Coordinator - Advanced Cancer Clinical Trials | 30/12/2024 0:00 | 13/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-179_SS_VN Study Coordinator - Cancer Clinical Trials | 30/12/2024 0:00 | 13/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-178_SS_AG - Head of Service - Clinical Research Support Unit (USRC) | 24/12/2024 0:00 | 10/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-099_R_FF Predoctoral Researcher - Psychoneurobiology of Eating and Addictive Behaviours | 23/12/2024 0:00 | 02/01/2026 23:59 | ABIERTA |
24-038_MC_SS Study Coordinator - Image Diagnosis and Nuclear Medicine | 23/12/2024 0:00 | 01/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-177_MS_MS Project Manager XarSMART - Business Development Unit | 20/12/2024 0:00 | 20/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-174_SS_AG Laboratory Technician - Cancer metabolism | 11/12/2024 0:00 | 13/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-171_SS_EC Research Technician - Cognition and Brain Plasticity (20 h/week) | 11/12/2024 0:00 | 02/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-176_SS_AV Lab Technician - Stem Cell Bank | 11/12/2024 0:00 | 25/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-173_SS_AG Laboratory Technician - Cancer metabolism | 11/12/2024 0:00 | 25/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-175_SS_CT Data Entry - Motor Neuron Unit | 11/12/2024 0:00 | 03/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-170_MS_CO Project Manager - Psycho-oncology and Digital Health | 11/12/2024 0:00 | 25/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-169_R_OM Posdoctoral Researcher - Sarcoma research group | 11/12/2024 0:00 | 25/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-172_MS_ER Senior Project Manager - Regenerative Medicine Program | 11/12/2024 0:00 | 31/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-168_SS_JC Specialist Technician - Modeling Human Diseases in C. elegans group | 11/12/2024 0:00 | 25/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-167_R_JR Posdoctoral researcher - Cognition and brain plasticity | 11/12/2024 0:00 | 31/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-166_R_RA Posdoctoral researcher - Cancer Inmunotherapy | 11/12/2024 0:00 | 25/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-165_SS_AG Data Entry - USRC | 11/12/2024 0:00 | 16/02/2025 23:59 | ABIERTA |
24-164_R_CL Predoctoral Researcher Ext. - Hereditary Cancer | 04/12/2024 0:00 | 18/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-163_MS_GA Project Manager - Horizon Europe funded project | 04/12/2024 0:00 | 09/02/2025 23:59 | ABIERTA |
24-160_MS_AG Administrative "Finestra Unica" | 29/11/2024 0:00 | 31/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-161_SS_AG Support technician - Hematopoietic Stem Cell Biology and Leukemogenesis Group | 29/11/2024 0:00 | 12/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-162_R_JV Posdoctoral researcher - Modeling human diseases in C. elegans | 29/11/2024 0:00 | 13/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-159_MS_AG - Study Nurse – Study Coordinator | 29/11/2024 0:00 | 13/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-158_MS_GC - Communications Officer | 28/11/2024 0:00 | 13/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-157_SS_CL Lab and project manager - Hereditary Cancer | 22/11/2024 0:00 | 06/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-156_SS_JP Statistician - Biostatistics Unit | 20/11/2024 0:00 | 04/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-155_SS_VN - Area Coordinator - Haematology Cancer Clinical Trials | 20/11/2024 0:00 | 09/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-154_SS_JG - Clinical Research Assistant - Cardiovascular diseases research group (BIO-HEART) | 20/11/2024 0:00 | 04/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-152_SS_AP - Project Manager for the Neurometabolic Diseases Laboratory | 19/11/2024 0:00 | 16/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-153_R_JC Predoctoral Researcher - Modeling Human Diseases in C. elegans group | 19/11/2024 0:00 | 03/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-150_SS_MG - Study Nurse – USRC (Non-clinical staff) - Replacement position | 14/11/2024 0:00 | 16/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-148_R_CM - Postdoctoral researcher - Tobacco control research | 13/11/2024 0:00 | 09/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-149_MS_GC - Head of Corporate Communications and Fundraising | 12/11/2024 0:00 | 11/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-147_SS_AB - Database filler (10h) - Cardiovascular diseases research group | 08/11/2024 0:00 | 02/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-146_SS_CL Research Assistant - Hereditary Cancer Program | 07/11/2024 0:00 | 21/11/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-145_MS_BC Officer - Occupational Health & Safety | 06/11/2024 0:00 | 19/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-144_R_JC Predoctoral Researcher - Nephroloy Research Group | 06/11/2024 0:00 | 16/02/2025 23:59 | ABIERTA |
24-143_JC_SS Research Technician - Nephrology and Renal Transplantation | 06/11/2024 0:00 | 20/11/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-142_SS_FG Specialist Technician Radiobiology & Cancer (20 h/week) | 05/11/2024 0:00 | 19/11/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-140_R_AR Group Leader - Regenerative Medicine | 01/11/2024 0:00 | 31/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-135_MS_CL Project Manager - Hereditary Cancer | 22/10/2024 0:00 | 05/11/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-138_SS_LM Research Assistant - Psychoneurobiology of Eating and Addictive Behaviors Group | 22/10/2024 0:00 | 05/11/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-137_MS_VM - Project Manager - Colorectal cancer | 22/10/2024 0:00 | 05/11/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-136_SS_MP Researcher Assistant - Hereditary Cancer | 22/10/2024 0:00 | 05/11/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-134_MS_EB Lawyer - Legal Service Unit | 22/10/2024 0:00 | 25/11/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-131_SS_LV Bioinformatician - Hereditary Cancer | 21/10/2024 0:00 | 04/11/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-130_SS_CR Bioinforatician - Hereditary Cancer | 14/10/2024 0:00 | 28/10/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-127_SS_PF Specialist technician - Colorectal Cancer Area. | 14/10/2024 0:00 | 28/10/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-129_SS_AP Technician for the Neurometabolic Diseases Laboratory | 14/10/2024 0:00 | 28/10/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-128_SS_PH - Clinical Trial Monitors (CRA) - UICEC | 14/10/2024 0:00 | 08/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-126_SS_DL PHD Oncology field (endometrial cancer). | 14/10/2024 0:00 | 15/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-125_SS_CR Assistant Researcher to work on the role of DGCR8/DICER1 GPVs in miRNA-associated tumors. | 07/10/2024 0:00 | 21/10/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-124_SS_MC Study Coordinator - Image Diagnosis and Nuclear Medicine (20 h/week) | 07/10/2024 0:00 | 26/10/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-122_R_FV Predoctoral Researcher - Molecular Signaling in Cancer | 30/09/2024 0:00 | 15/10/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-123_MS_MH Lab Technician - Nephrology and Renal Transplantation | 30/09/2024 0:00 | 15/10/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-120_SS_JA Research Nurse - Health Services Research in Cancer (10 h/week) | 30/09/2024 0:00 | 21/10/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-118_SS_JB Specialist Technician - Health Services Research in Cancer | 30/09/2024 0:00 | 14/10/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-117_MS_JC Head of the Accounting Unit | 26/09/2024 0:00 | 29/01/2025 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-116_SS_VN Study Coordinator - Cancer Clinical Trials | 26/09/2024 0:00 | 10/10/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-115_SS_CM Research Technician for the Cancer Immunotherapy Group | 13/09/2024 0:00 | 27/09/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-114_MS_CL Posdoctoral researcher - Neurofibromatosis research group | 13/09/2024 0:00 | 27/09/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-113_MS_JG Administrative support - BIOHEART (15 h/week) | 10/09/2024 0:00 | 24/09/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-108_SS_RA Auxiliary Support Technician - Cancer Immunotherapy | 04/09/2024 0:00 | 09/09/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-109_SS_VC Auxiliary Support Technician - Common Services | 30/08/2024 0:00 | 28/09/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-110_MS_AG Head of Processes Management | 30/08/2024 0:00 | 15/10/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-107_SS_VN Research Technician - Cancer Clinical Trials | 26/08/2024 0:00 | 09/09/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-106_SS_VN Data Entry - Cancer Clinical Trials | 26/08/2024 0:00 | 31/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-104_SS_AP Research Technician - Neurometabolic Diseases | 19/08/2024 0:00 | 02/09/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-103_R_GC Predoctoral Researcher - Hereditary Cancer | 19/08/2024 0:00 | 20/09/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-102_SS_VN Regulatory Specialist for Cancer Clinical Trials - Replacement Position | 13/08/2024 0:00 | 30/09/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-101_MS_MS Innovation Project Manager - Innovation Unit | 07/08/2024 0:00 | 21/08/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-098_SS_FF Biostatistician - Psychoneurobiology of Eating and Addictive Behaviours | 02/08/2024 0:00 | 03/12/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-097_R_AC Predoctoral Researcher-Ext - Stem Cells and Neurodegenerative Diseases | 02/08/2024 0:00 | 16/08/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-096_R_VM Predoctoral Researcher - Colorectal Cancer | 31/07/2024 0:00 | 01/10/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-094_MS_CM - Maintenance Technician - Cryogenic Facilities - Biobank | 29/07/2024 0:00 | 11/09/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-095_R_AG Predoctoral Researcher - Hematopoietic Stem Cell Biology and Leukemogenesis | 29/07/2024 0:00 | 30/09/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-093_SS_PM Auxiliary Support Technician - Ageing and Cancer | 25/07/2024 0:00 | 08/08/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-091_SS_OC Data Entry in Neurovascular Diseases - Image Diagnosis and Nuclear Medicine (20 h/week) | 24/07/2024 0:00 | 07/08/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-089_SS_VN Study Coordinator - Cancer Clinical Trials | 19/07/2024 0:00 | 02/08/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-088_SS_XP Dietitian or Nutritionist - Systemic, Vascular Diseases and Ageing | 19/07/2024 0:00 | 02/08/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-087_R_MP Predoctoral Researcher - Neurologic Diseases and Neurogenetics | 19/07/2024 0:00 | 01/09/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-090_SS_EE Auxiliary Support Technician - TGF-beta and Cancer | 19/07/2024 0:00 | 04/08/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-086_SS_JB Clinical Research Assistant - Nephrology and Renal Transplantation | 17/07/2024 0:00 | 11/08/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-085_MS_AC HR Administrative - People Management | 16/07/2024 0:00 | 13/08/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-084_SS_JG Clinical Research Technician - BIO-HEART (22 h/week) | 09/07/2024 0:00 | 23/07/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-083_R_IA Predoctoral Researcher - BIO-HEART | 09/07/2024 0:00 | 23/07/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-082_R_AR Predoctoral Researcher in Zebrafish Heart Regeneration - Stem Cell Potency | 09/07/2024 0:00 | 15/09/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-080_SS_VN Data Entry - Cancer Clinical Trials | 08/07/2024 0:00 | 22/07/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-079_MS_DH Administrative Officer - Purchasing and Public Tenders Unit - Replacement Position | 01/07/2024 0:00 | 21/07/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-076_MS_EB Lawyer - Legal Services | 27/06/2024 0:00 | 22/08/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-075_SS_MM Research Technician - Image Diagnosis and Nuclear Medicine | 25/06/2024 0:00 | 09/07/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-073_SS_SP Research Technician - Infections and Cancer | 06/06/2024 0:00 | 24/06/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-072_SS_JC Specialist Technician - Modeling Human Diseases in C. elegans | 06/06/2024 0:00 | 20/06/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-071_SS_AC HR Administrative - People Management | 06/06/2024 0:00 | 20/06/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-068_SS_SJ Specialist Technician - Psychologist (4 h/week) | 28/05/2024 0:00 | 16/06/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-069_MS_DC ICT Officer - Information Technologies | 28/05/2024 0:00 | 12/06/2024 18:59 | CERRADA |
24-066_R_FF Junior Scientist in Neurosciences and Neuroimaging | 28/05/2024 0:00 | 04/07/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-067_MS_MB International Project Manager - Infections and Cancer | 28/05/2024 0:00 | 11/06/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-063_SS_FC Specialist Technician - Biobank - Replacement Position | 24/05/2024 0:00 | 17/06/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-065_SS_SJ Specialist Technician - Psychoneurobiology of Eating and Addictive Behaviours (20 h/week) | 24/05/2024 0:00 | 16/06/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-062_SS_FC Research Technician - Biobank | 24/05/2024 0:00 | 09/06/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-064_MS_EB Lawyer - Legal Services | 24/05/2024 0:00 | 29/06/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-060_MS_LS HR Payroll & Administration Specialist | 22/05/2024 0:00 | 05/06/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-059_SS_VN Area Coordinator - Phase I Cancer Clinical Trials | 22/05/2024 0:00 | 07/07/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-058_SS_VN Regulatory Specialist - Cancer Clinical Trials | 21/05/2024 0:00 | 07/07/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-057_SS_JL Specialist Technician - Oral Health and Masticatory System (Part-time, negotiable) | 16/05/2024 0:00 | 11/11/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-056_MS_DC Systems Administrator - Information Technologies | 16/05/2024 0:00 | 07/06/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-055_R_EF Predoctoral Researcher - Tobacco Control Research | 16/05/2024 0:00 | 20/06/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-053_SS_CS Research Technician - Colorectal Cancer | 14/05/2024 0:00 | 02/06/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-054_SS_PH Clinical Trial Monitors (CRA) - UICEC | 14/05/2024 0:00 | 28/05/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-052_R_CS Predoctoral Researcher Extension - Immunity, Inflammation, and Cancer | 06/05/2024 0:00 | 21/05/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-051_MS_FE Head of the Technical Secretariat of the Ethics Committee for Investigation with medicinal products (CEIm) at Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge | 02/05/2024 0:00 | 16/05/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-050_SS_FF Statistician - Biostatistics Unit - Replacement Position | 30/04/2024 0:00 | 14/05/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-049_SS_JB Clinical Research Assistant - Nephrology | 26/04/2024 0:00 | 15/05/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-047_OM_SS Research Technician - Difficult to Treat Infections and Antimicrobians Use | 15/04/2024 0:00 | 29/04/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-048_PM_SS Clinical research Technician - BIO-HEART (6 h/week) | 15/04/2024 0:00 | 29/04/2024 18:59 | CERRADA |
24-046_XS_SS Study Coordinator - Systemic, Vascular Diseases and Ageing | 15/04/2024 0:00 | 29/04/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-045_VN_SS Study Coordinators - Early or Advanced Cancer Clinical Trials | 11/04/2024 0:00 | 28/04/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-043_JC_SS Research Technician - Nephrology and Renal Transplantation | 10/04/2024 0:00 | 24/04/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-044_EB_MS Lawyer - Legal Services | 10/04/2024 0:00 | 24/04/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-042_JC_MS Administrative Officer - Infections of the Respiratory Tract and in Immunocompromised Patients (8 h/week) | 09/04/2024 0:00 | 24/04/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-041_LB_SS IT Technician - Infections and Cancer | 09/04/2024 0:00 | 09/05/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-040_AG_MS Head of the People Management Unit | 09/04/2024 0:00 | 09/05/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-039_LT_MS Innovation Project Manager - Innovation Unit | 09/04/2024 0:00 | 26/04/2024 12:45 | CERRADA |
24-036_RM_SS Auxiliary Support Technician - Innate Immunity and Pathology of the Critically Patient | 02/04/2024 0:00 | 16/04/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-035_SS_SS Support Technician - Pneumology (20 h/week) | 02/04/2024 0:00 | 25/04/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-034_SS_AA Auxiliary Support Technician - Resistance and Progression Mechanisms in Prostate Cancer | 26/03/2024 0:00 | 09/04/2024 16:59 | CERRADA |
24-033_R_MR Predoctoral Researcher - Pancreas Regeneration | 25/03/2024 0:00 | 01/05/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-032_SS_MR Bioinformatician/Computer Scientist - Pancreas Regeneration | 25/03/2024 0:00 | 01/05/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-031_SS_VN Data Entry - Cancer Clinical Trials | 25/03/2024 0:00 | 15/04/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-030_SS_VF Auxiliary Support Technician - Neuropharmacology and Pain | 21/03/2024 0:00 | 04/04/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-029_SS_CM Senior Qualitative Research Scientist - Tobacco Control Research | 19/03/2024 0:00 | 02/04/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-028_MS_CG Clinical Research Document Management and Archive Assistant - UIC | 19/03/2024 0:00 | 28/04/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-025_MS_JC Head of the Accounting Unit | 15/03/2024 0:00 | 09/07/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-023_SS_JA Research Nurse - Health Services Research in Cancer (20 h/week) | 04/03/2024 0:00 | 18/03/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-021_SS_NP Clinical Research Technician - Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacogenetics, and Pharmaceutical Technology (preferably full-time, negotiable part-time) | 15/02/2024 0:00 | 01/04/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-020_SS_CO Research Support Technician - Psycho-oncology and Digital Health (PSODIG) | 09/02/2024 0:00 | 25/02/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-019_R_CL Postdoctoral Researcher - Hereditary Cancer | 09/02/2024 0:00 | 25/02/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-018_SS_AG Bioinformatician - Hematopoietic Stem Cell Biology and Leukemogenesis | 09/02/2024 0:00 | 17/03/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-017_SS_JB Clinical Research Assistant - Health Services Research in Cancer | 07/02/2024 0:00 | 23/02/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-016_R_EE Postdoctoral Researcher - TGF-beta and Cancer | 07/02/2024 0:00 | 22/02/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-015_MS_EB Administrative Officer - Legal Unit | 06/02/2024 0:00 | 03/03/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-013_MS_DH Administrative - Purchasing & Public Procurement | 02/02/2024 10:00 | 28/02/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-012_SS_FG Specialist Technician - Radiobiology & Cancer (20 h/week) | 01/02/2024 0:00 | 15/02/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-011_SS_FF Statistician - Biostatistics Unit | 30/01/2024 0:00 | 29/02/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-010_R_MH Predoctoral Researcher - Experimental Nephrology | 29/01/2024 0:00 | 19/02/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-007_SS_JG Postdoctoral Researcher - Cell Plasticity and Regeneration | 22/01/2024 0:00 | 16/02/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-006_SS_VN Study Coordinators - Early or Advanced Cancer Clinical Trials | 22/01/2024 0:00 | 05/02/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-005_SS_JC Auxiliary Support Technician - Nephrology and Renal Transplantation | 08/01/2024 0:00 | 22/01/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-004_SS_ MC Clinical Research Technician - Nutrition and Cancer (24 h/week) | 08/01/2024 0:00 | 23/01/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
24-003_R_AR Postdoctoral Researcher - Stem Cell Potency | 04/01/2024 0:00 | 21/01/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-297_SS_VN Data Entry - Cancer Clinical Trials | 22/12/2023 0:00 | 07/01/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-296_SS_EC Research Support Technician - Cognition and Brain Plasticity (30 h/week) | 14/12/2023 0:00 | 03/01/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-295_SS Clinical Research Manager - Infections of the Respiratory Tract and in Immunocompromised Patients | 14/12/2023 0:00 | 03/01/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-294_SS_FF Psychiatrist - Psychoneurobiology of Eating and Addictive Behaviours | 14/12/2023 0:00 | 28/12/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-293_SS_PJ Specialist Technician - Nutrition and Cancer | 14/12/2023 0:00 | 28/12/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-288_SS_JC Research Technician - Nephrology and Renal Transplantation | 04/12/2023 0:00 | 21/12/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-287_SS_VN Area Coordinators - Advanced Cancer Clinical Trials | 01/12/2023 0:00 | 28/12/2023 15:00 | CERRADA |
23-286_SS_MR Research Technician - Pancreas Regeneration (20 h/week) | 01/12/2023 0:00 | 24/01/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-285_R_MR Posdoctoral Researcher - Pancreas Regeneration | 01/12/2023 0:00 | 20/03/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-284_SS_MM Research Nurse - Pulmonology (25 h/week) | 30/11/2023 0:00 | 14/12/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-283_SS_CG Research Nurse - Nephrology (preferably full-time, negotiable part-time) | 30/11/2023 0:00 | 22/12/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-282_SS_CR Senior Statistician - Infections and Cancer (UNIC II) | 29/11/2023 0:00 | 21/01/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-280_SS_AP Research Support Technician - Neurometabolic Diseases | 21/11/2023 0:00 | 31/01/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-279_SS_AP Research Support Technician - Neurometabolic Diseases | 21/11/2023 0:00 | 10/12/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-278_SS_GC Full Stack Developer - Oncology Data Analytics Program | 20/11/2023 0:00 | 04/12/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-277_SS_JB Clinical Research Assistant - Nephrology | 20/11/2023 0:00 | 29/01/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-276_SS_JB Clinical Research Assistant - Neuro-Oncology | 15/11/2023 0:00 | 30/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-275_MS_EF Communication Officer - Tobacco Control | 15/11/2023 0:00 | 01/12/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-274_R_AA Predoctoral Researcher - Cell Biology with an interest in Machine Learning | 15/11/2023 0:00 | 14/12/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-273_SS_EF Biostatistician - Tobacco Control | 15/11/2023 0:00 | 11/02/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-272_SS_AC Auxiliary Support Technician - Stem Cell and Neurodegeneration (20 h/week) | 14/11/2023 0:00 | 29/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-271_SS_AM Clinical Research Manager (20 h/week) | 14/11/2023 0:00 | 04/12/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-270_R_JB Posdoctoral Researcher - Health Services Research in Cancer | 14/11/2023 0:00 | 10/12/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-269_SS_VN Study coordinators - Early or Advanced Cancer Clinical Trials | 13/11/2023 0:00 | 27/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-266_SS_EC Neuroimaging Specialist Technician - Cognition and Brain Plasticity (20 h/week) | 09/11/2023 0:00 | 23/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-268_SS_JG Clinical Research Assistant - Cardiovascular Diseases | 09/11/2023 0:00 | 23/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-267_SS_JG Clinical Research Manager - Cardiovascular Diseases | 09/11/2023 0:00 | 23/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-265_SS_OM Study Coordinator for Cardiac Rehabilitation Studies - BIO-HEART | 09/11/2023 0:00 | 30/06/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-263_R_MF Predoctoral researcher - Nutrition and Cancer | 07/11/2023 0:00 | 30/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-262_R_MF Posdoctoral Researcher - Nutrition and Cancer | 07/11/2023 0:00 | 30/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-261_SS_EF Specialist Technician - Tobacco Control | 07/11/2023 0:00 | 26/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-260_MS_PG International Project Manager & Proposal Writer - Research Grants | 06/11/2023 0:00 | 07/01/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-259_R_AR Group Leader - Regenerative Medicine | 02/11/2023 0:00 | 31/12/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-258_MS_MS Project Manager - Psycho-oncology and Digital Health (PSODIG) | 30/10/2023 0:00 | 11/12/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-257_R_AG Posdoctoral Researcher - Nutrition and Cancer | 30/10/2023 0:00 | 17/11/2023 12:59 | CERRADA |
23-256_DL_R Posdoctoral Researcher - Gynecologic Cancer | 24/10/2023 0:00 | 07/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-255_SS_EC - Research Technician - Cognition and Brain Plasticity (20 h/week) | 24/10/2023 0:00 | 07/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-254_SS_EC Clinical Research Manager - Systemic, Vascular Diseases and Ageing (10 h/week) | 18/10/2023 0:00 | 02/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-253_SS_MP Clinical Research Manager - Motor Neuron (10 h/week) | 11/10/2023 0:00 | 26/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-250_MS_GC Secretary and Office Manager of the Management and Executive Offices | 11/10/2023 0:00 | 21/11/2023 17:59 | CERRADA |
23-249_R_IF Posdoctoral Researcher - Stem Cell and Neurodegeneration | 11/10/2023 0:00 | 25/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-248_R_FR Posdoctoral Researcher - Infections and Cancer (UNIC II) | 09/10/2023 0:00 | 10/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-247_MS_GC Managing Director | 06/10/2023 0:00 | 12/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-246_SS_FR Project Manager- PROTECT Project | 04/10/2023 0:00 | 27/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-245_R_CC Posdoctoral Researcher - Immunotherapy | 03/10/2023 0:00 | 31/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-243_SS_PH Clinical Trial Monitors (CRA) - UICEC | 03/10/2023 0:00 | 17/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-242_SS_VN Data Entry - Early Cancer Clinical Trials | 02/10/2023 0:00 | 12/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-240_SS_VN Study coordinator - Early or Advanced Cancer Clinical Trials | 29/09/2023 0:00 | 25/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-239_SS_VN Lab tachnician - Cancer Clinical Trials | 29/09/2023 0:00 | 13/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-241_SS_PH Replacement Position - Pharmacovigilance Technician - Clinical Research Unit in Clinical Trials | 28/09/2023 0:00 | 12/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-237_SS_FV Specialist Technician - Psychoneurobiology of Eating and Addictive Behaviours | 28/09/2023 0:00 | 12/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-236_R_CA Predoctoral researcher - Microbiology Area | 27/09/2023 0:00 | 11/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-234_SS_FV Research Technician in Metabolomics and tumor analysis - Molecular Signaling in Cancer | 27/09/2023 0:00 | 11/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-233_SS_FV Metabolomics Analysis Specialist - Molecular Signaling in Cancer (5 h/week) | 26/09/2023 0:00 | 10/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-232_MS_LS Human Resources Technician | 26/09/2023 0:00 | 15/01/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-238_SS_MM Research Technician - Biological Human Samples (Temporary) | 22/09/2023 0:00 | 06/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-231_SS_EO Bioinformatician - BIO-HEART | 20/09/2023 0:00 | 11/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-230_MS_ES Lawyer - Data Protection (20 h/week) | 19/09/2023 0:00 | 11/01/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-229_SS_SP Study Coordinator/ Project Manager - Breast cancer | 18/09/2023 0:00 | 03/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-228_SS_CF Predoctoral Researcher - Stem Cell Aging | 13/09/2023 0:00 | 28/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-227_SS_CF Bioinformatician - Stem Cell Aging | 13/09/2023 0:00 | 03/12/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-226_SS_JG Clinical Research Manager - BIO-HEART (20 h/week) | 13/09/2023 0:00 | 15/10/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-221_R_MP Predoctoral Researcher - Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) | 12/09/2023 0:00 | 26/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-220_MS_JM Project Manager - Psychiatry and Mental Health (20 h/week) | 07/09/2023 0:00 | 25/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-219_SS_JB Specialist Technician on Behavioral Animal Models - Neuropharmacology and Pain | 06/09/2023 0:00 | 25/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-218_SS_AG Research Technician - Metabolism and Cancer | 06/09/2023 0:00 | 25/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-217_SS_SB Specialist Technician - Molecular Interactions and Flow Cytometry Platforms | 04/09/2023 0:00 | 19/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-195_SS_DR Clinical Research Manager - Rheumatology (10 h/week) | 04/09/2023 0:00 | 18/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-216_MS_CM Project Manager - Tobacco Control | 01/09/2023 0:00 | 29/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-215_SS_JN Statistician/Data Scientist - Synovial Inflammation and Bone Metabolism (20 h/week) | 24/08/2023 0:00 | 07/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-214_SS_AI Research Nurse (8 h/week) | 23/08/2023 0:00 | 06/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-212_R_MM Predoctoral Researcher - Pneumology | 17/08/2023 0:00 | 01/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-211_SS_VN Data Entry - Early Cancer Clinical Trials | 17/08/2023 0:00 | 15/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-208_SS_MP Lab Technician - Hereditary Cancer | 09/08/2023 0:00 | 11/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-207_R_MP Predoctoral Researcher - Hereditary Cancer | 09/08/2023 0:00 | 11/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-206_SS_FF Clinical Research Manager - Psychoneurobiology of Eating and Addictive Behaviours (6 h/week) | 08/08/2023 0:00 | 29/08/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-204_R_OC Predoctoral Researcher Candidate - Tumor Angiogenesis | 07/08/2023 0:00 | 18/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-202_R_EM Predoctoral Researcher - Diabetes, Nutrition and Endocrinological Diseases | 02/08/2023 0:00 | 11/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-201_R_AR Postdoctoral Researcher in Muscle Differentiation - Ángel Raya's Laboratory | 02/08/2023 0:00 | 17/08/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-199_SS_LC Clinical Research Technician - Gynecologcial Cancer Group | 28/07/2023 0:00 | 13/08/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-198_SS_JN Clinical Research Manager - Synovial Inflammation and Bone Metabolism (20 h/week) | 28/07/2023 0:00 | 13/08/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-197_SS_DC Computational Biologist - Oncology Data Analytics Program | 26/07/2023 0:00 | 10/08/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-196_SS_VM Pathologist - Cancer Research (30 h/week) | 25/07/2023 0:00 | 09/08/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-194_SS_AC Predoctoral Researcher - Stem Cell and Neurodegeneration Lab | 24/07/2023 0:00 | 07/08/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-193_SS_FF Specialist Technician - Digitalization for the Sustainability of the Healthcare System (DS3) (13 h/week) | 21/07/2023 0:00 | 06/08/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-165_SS_PC Study Coordinator - Neurologic Diseases and Neurogenetics (30 h/week) | 21/07/2023 0:00 | 31/07/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-188_SS_MP Support Imaging Technician - Gene Regulation of Cell Identity (5 h/week) | 14/07/2023 0:00 | 15/08/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-189_R_SS Predoctoral Researcher - Pneumology and Epidemiology | 14/07/2023 0:00 | 30/07/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-186_SS_JR Auxiliary Support Technician - Immunity, Inflammation and Cancer | 14/07/2023 0:00 | 30/07/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-185_SS_MP Auxiliary Support Technician - Gene Regulation of Cell Identity Llab | 14/07/2023 0:00 | 30/07/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-183_SS_VN Regulatory specialist - Cancer Clinical Trials - Replacement Position | 12/07/2023 0:00 | 03/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-182_SS_AP Support Technician - Neurometabolic Diseases Laboratory (30 h/week) | 10/07/2023 0:00 | 25/07/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-181_SS_JC Clinical Research Manager - BIO-HEART (20 h/week) | 10/07/2023 0:00 | 25/07/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-180_MS_EB Administrative - Legal Unit | 10/07/2023 0:00 | 24/07/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-171_MS_PG Horizon Europe Project Manager | 23/06/2023 0:00 | 18/02/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-179_SS_JC Research Technician - Nephrology and Renal Transplantation | 23/06/2023 0:00 | 16/07/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-175_SS_VN Study Coordinator for Early Clinical Trials in Haematology | 23/06/2023 0:00 | 17/07/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-178_SS_JC Biostatistician/Data Scientist - BIO-HEART | 23/06/2023 0:00 | 24/07/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
04_AGAUR_AS INVESTIGO Program - Staff Scientist - Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tumours group | 19/06/2023 0:00 | 23/07/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-155_SS_MS Biostatistician - Unitat de Gestió Funcional de les Dades | 12/06/2023 0:00 | 11/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-150_SS_PH Pharmacovigilance Coordinator (FV) for the Clinical Research Unit in Clinical Trials | 07/06/2023 0:00 | 27/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
08_AGAUR_VV INVESTIGO Program - Specialist Technician - Pneumology | 29/05/2023 0:00 | 11/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-132_R_JP Postdoctoral Researcher to work for an EU funded project | 18/05/2023 0:00 | 15/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
06_AGAUR_CV INVESTIGO Program - Junior Statistician - Data Technician | 17/05/2023 0:00 | 23/07/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-127_MS_PG Horizon Europe Project Manager | 12/05/2023 0:00 | 19/09/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-119_MS_EB Data Protection Specialist for the Legal Services Unit | 02/05/2023 0:00 | 27/12/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-107_MS_PG Post-Award Officer - National Grants | 19/04/2023 0:00 | 27/11/2023 23:59 | CERRADA |
23-108_MS_ER Project Manager - Research Projects Funded by Competitive Calls | 18/04/2023 0:00 | 11/02/2024 23:59 | CERRADA |